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Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
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Low-Cost Hosting Solutions
Hosting is a sort of service that provides disk storage space for you to host your website so that it is always visible on the World Wide Web. There are multiple hosting firms that provide this kind of service and choosing the most appropriate one for your online demands can be challenging.
Picking your hosting accounts provider
If you have just begun creating your web site or are planning to create one, spending plenty of money on a web hosting account is ordinarily not the first thing you want to do. Finding an affordable hosting accounts provider should then be your objective and, when the search commences, you'll see that making a choice is not that easy.
Various hosting types
There are several types of hosting solutions, among them Dedicated Package, VPS, shared web hosting packages and free web hosting plans. The charge-free web hosting packages as a rule entail forced adverts on your site, so if you wish to launch a professional-looking, respectable website, that would be an unsuitable choice. The dedicated and private virtual web hosting servers, on the other hand, are usually costly and are not the first choice that springs to mind. Shared hosting plans have different prices, but there are hosting companies that provide low-priced shared web hosting packages. One such hosting provider is Bisdak World Online Web Hosting. We offer shared hosting servers in Great Britain, in North America and even in Australia. Our high-quality web hosting solutions come at very affordable prices.
How affordable is the affordable web hosting solution?
Based on the resources that you will require for your website, there are various web hosting plans you can select from. Bisdak World Online Web Hosting offers 4 affordable web hosting packages with loads of features. The best part is not only that you can grab the most affordably priced plan and then upgrade at any particular time to any of the other web hosting packages, but also that you can pick between monthly and annual billing cycles.
An easy-to-use, fully featured Control Panel
Different web hosting vendors provide different kinds of web hosting Control Panels, but most of them use 3rd-party software like cPanel or DirectAdmin. Bisdak World Online Web Hosting, on the other hand, have our own Control Panel software dubbed Hepsia. The amazing thing about Hepsia is that it is very easy-to-use and offers impressive features. Once inside the hosting Control Panel, you can move around the different sections effortlessly, and the exceptional File Manager includes features similar to those of your very own computer – you right-click a folder to get a list with the actions you can perform.
Not certain what to undertake? The knowledge base is just for you!
Bisdak World Online Web Hosting also offers an elaborate knowledge database inside the web hosting Control Panel that contains answers to lots of enquiries that you might have and that can walk you through many tasks, from managing your website files and e-mails to creating your e-mail accounts on your iPad or iPhone. We provide round-the-clock client support via our support ticket system integrated into the hosting Control Panel, and have so far never failed to respond to any request or inquiry.